(Re)designing a CPED-Oriented EdD Program to Improve its Emphasis on Equity in a Post Pandemic World


  • Henry Tran University of South Carolina
  • Kathleen Cunningham University of South Carolina
  • Suzy Hardie University of South Carolina
  • Peter Moyi University of South Carolina
  • Era Roberts School District of Newberry County




Continuous improvement, Education Doctorate, Program Improvement and Redesign, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion


This paper focuses on the Education Systems Improvement EdD program (EDSI) at the University of South Carolina and how the program faculty utilize the signature methodology of the program, improvement science, towards its improvement efforts towards enhancing its equity focus, especially post-pandemic. We utilize the framework of improvement science including tools such as gap analysis, program evaluations, empathy interviews, and focus groups to better understand the problem and best design the appropriate improvement efforts. Broadly, three program improvement foci were identified for the improvement arc: program purpose, curricular design, and continuous improvement processes. Findings from this study provide details about program improvement efforts in improving an EdD program’s equity focus post-pandemic, in a particular setting. In the spirit of continuous improvement, this work is never done. It will be forwarded by follow-up improvement endeavors and activities.


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How to Cite

Tran, H., Cunningham, K., Hardie, S., Moyi, P., & Roberts, E. (2024). (Re)designing a CPED-Oriented EdD Program to Improve its Emphasis on Equity in a Post Pandemic World. Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice, 9(1), 63–70. https://doi.org/10.5195/ie.2024.386



Themed - Designing, Developing, and Sustaining Doctoral Programs in a Post-Pandemic Age