Best Practices for EdD Comprehensive Exams and Capstone Projects

Students’ Attitudes and Perspectives of Outcomes in an Online Program




higher education, outcomes, EdD, graduate education, online


This research was guided by a problem of practice experienced by an EdD program, which transitioned to a fully online modality during the pandemic and rapidly grew in enrollment. The problem evaluated was ensuring the redesigned program milestones – capstone and comprehensive exam – are feasible given the size of the program. The current study utilized descriptive research design to provide a comprehensive description of educational phenomena. The study was conducted at a large, public research university in the South. A total of 316 students enrolled in the program and were invited to complete the survey, of which 131 responses were analyzed. Results revealed differences in students’ attitudes toward capstone projects and comprehensive exams, with a strong correlation between students’ experiences with capstone projects and comprehensive exams and their overall academic self-efficacy while in the program.

Author Biography

Masha Krsmanovic, University of Southern Mississippi

Assistant Professor, Higher Education and Student Affairs


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How to Cite

Krsmanovic, M., & Craddock, S. (2023). Best Practices for EdD Comprehensive Exams and Capstone Projects: Students’ Attitudes and Perspectives of Outcomes in an Online Program. Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice, 8(3), 15–22.



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