Ageism-Induced Anxiety of Job Seekers Aged 50–83: Preliminary Findings from A Phenomenological Case Study Problem of Practice Dissertation




ageism, age discrimination, employment, job search, ADEA


Ageism in today’s job market has a range of detrimental emotional, psychological, and economic impacts on older job seekers aged 50-83. Even as such job seekers “de-age” their professional documents and online profiles, they still navigate misperceptions about older workers that disadvantage them in the recruitment and hiring process. While anecdotal evidence raises concerns about older job seekers’ equitable access to employment, empirical evidence documenting the impacts of ageism on this population remains limited, thus impeding the efficacy of their support systems. This article reports on progress from the qualitative case study that I designed for my CPED-informed Problem of Practice Dissertation that captured data from 30 job seekers, aged 50-83, through one-on-one interviews, focus groups, and questionnaires. This article offers preliminary findings from this research, documenting the negative financial, emotional, psychological, and physical effects of navigating persistent ageism for older job seekers.

Author Biographies

Nadine E. Franz, Baylor University

Doctoral Candidate

Nicholas R. Werse, Baylor University

Ed.D. Writing Center Director

Tony L. Talbert, Baylor University

Dissertation Faculty Advisor


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How to Cite

Franz, N. E., Werse, N. R., & Talbert, T. L. (2022). Ageism-Induced Anxiety of Job Seekers Aged 50–83: Preliminary Findings from A Phenomenological Case Study Problem of Practice Dissertation. Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice, 7(2), 11–18.



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