Addressing the Need for an Alternative Education Networking in Rural School Districts




alternative education, collaborative networks, rural


Recent legislative efforts have been aimed at increasing the accountability of schools to meet the educational needs and improve outcomes for students. States and districts across the nation have responded differently. One emerging pattern has been the rise in alternative schools which address the educational needs of students unsuccessful in traditional school settings. Although alternative schooling is becoming more common, there is minimal guidance to establish programs and train professionals to teach and lead them. This Dissertation in Practice (DiP) examined current alternative programs in a rural region of Nebraska and then designed a collaborative networking system that could promote the growth and development of alternative programs through shared resources and expertise and meaningful inquiry into current practices. While this article is an obvious outcome of this dissertation research, so too is the still-incipient network of alternative educators who assisted with this inquiry.


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How to Cite

Pettit, T. (2023). Addressing the Need for an Alternative Education Networking in Rural School Districts. Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice, 8(1), 27–36.



Research Articles from Dissertations in Practice