Developing Scholar Activists

The Role of the EdD




activism, action research, advocacy, EdD, graduate programs, impact, praxis, professional doctorate, scholar activism, scholar activist


A qualitative descriptive approach was followed in the research, starting with a theoretical conceptualization of scholar activism within doctoral education as a basis for further inquiry. Seventeen doctoral candidates described how they conceptualized and applied the Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate's (CPED) Framework for the Emerging EdD Activist to their experiences in an online program. Study respondents gave accounts of growing confidence to engage in active, vocal advocacy, which they attributed to their new knowledge and understandings gained through participation in the program. However, for some mid-career students, increased vocal advocacy in the workplace was perceived as endangering career prospects. The data draw attention to the complexity of the professional learning process, calling into question the current input-output model of activism. Further research is necessary to develop a greater understanding of the relationship between a developing scholar-activist and the impact of the EdD and precisely how that can be measured. The findings from this study have implications for program developers and doctoral students wishing to become scholar-activists and agents of change.

Author Biography

Roschanda Fletcher, Franklin University

Doctoral Candidate


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How to Cite

Storey, V., & Fletcher, R. (2023). Developing Scholar Activists: The Role of the EdD. Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice, 8(1), 1–8.



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