Reinventing EdD Research Methods Courses

Elevating Traditional Teaching with Transformative Learning




education doctorate, EdD, research methods courses, adult learning, transformative learning


The education doctorate program fills an essential niche that allows practitioners to earn a doctorate and make a difference in educational practice and policy. However, critics claim EdD programs are failing to effectively prepare students. There has been a push for the reinvention of the EdD which includes improving EdD student confidence in their ability to undertake research. This calls for a redesign of research methods courses and purposefully grounding them in adult learning theory. The framework of transformative learning can foster higher-order learning by including key components such as critical reflection, collaborative dialogue, and awareness of context. This article shares a transformative learning model used to redevelop an EdD research methods course that emphasised self-reflective tasks such as identity memos, research design maps, and cognitive interviews. This learner-centred, constructivist approach resulted in positive learning outcomes including increased student confidence and enhanced practical knowledge and research skills.

Author Biography

Karen S. Acton, OISE, University of Toronto

Dr. Karen S. Acton is an assistant porfessor at OISE, University of Toronto, in the department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education


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How to Cite

Acton, K. S. (2023). Reinventing EdD Research Methods Courses: Elevating Traditional Teaching with Transformative Learning. Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice, 8(4), 3–10.



Themed-Reimagining Research Methods Coursework for the Preparation of Scholar-Practitioners