Embedding Activism in a STEM EdD Program


  • Bridget Miller University of South Carolina
  • Christopher Bogiages University of South Carolina
  • Jan Yow University of South Carolina
  • Christine Lotter University of South Carolina




STEM, Activism


This article shares an example of how one STEM EdD program embeds activism throughout their program. The authors share examples of readings and assignments across the program geared towards helping students think about and enact activism within the STEM disciplines. The STEM EdD mission offers insight into the foundations of the program. Then, specific examples from the following courses or course sequences are given: Action Research, Project-Based Learning, Research Methods in STEM Education, Advanced Readings in Mathematics Education, and Principles of Engineering in STEM Education. A conclusion offers some final thoughts about the ongoing development of the STEM EdD program to help our students grow as graduates who focus on equity and diversity in STEM education.

Author Biography

Bridget Miller, University of South Carolina

Bridget Miller is an Associate Professor in the College of Education at the University of South Carolina. Dr. Miller is the program coordniator for the Early Childhood Program as well as the STEM concentation in the Ed.D in Educational Practice and Innovation. Her research investigates the integration of commercial technologies such as tablet computers and their use in the STEM classroom to support instructional objectives in authentic and meaningful ways.


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How to Cite

Miller, B., Bogiages, C., Yow, J., & Lotter, C. (2021). Embedding Activism in a STEM EdD Program. Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice, 6(1), 3–10. https://doi.org/10.5195/ie.2021.172

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