Emerging Scholarly Practitioners

Utilizing Course-Embedded Research Projects





self-study, Doctor of Education, scholarly practitioners, teacher as researcher


The purpose of this research project was to explore doctoral student learning and development as scholarly practitioners through one innovative method: a course-based self-study. This self-study empowered doctoral candidates in three key forms of data collection: 1) two project-based course assignments; 2) a survey on course-based student learning; and 3) a self-reflection on learning in the self-study. Results indicate positive impacts in addressing real-life problems and in connecting students to cohort members. The application of skills and knowledge in a course-embedded self-study connects to the Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate (CPED) principles of creating scholarly practitioners and also developing activist leaders who build coalitions and focus on researching real life social justice issues. This study can serve as an exemplar for similar EdD programs who are developing scholarly practitioners.

Author Biography

Rebecca Smith, University of Portland

Assistant Professor
University of Portland
5000 N Willamette Blvd, Portland, OR 97203


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How to Cite

Smith, R., Bush, C., Cooper, A., Fedoration, S., Ference, M., Fischer, S., Francis, J., Gartner, K., Humphrys, S., Loken, C., Lyseng, B., Lyseng, R., Muench, J., Ralston, N., & Syson, K. (2023). Emerging Scholarly Practitioners: Utilizing Course-Embedded Research Projects. Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice, 8(4), 26–33. https://doi.org/10.5195/ie.2023.328



Themed-Reimagining Research Methods Coursework for the Preparation of Scholar-Practitioners