Supports and Barriers to Experiential Learning Participation in Arts Higher Education




higher education, arts, experiential learning, participation, supports and barriers


Higher education arts programs are implementing experiential learning (EL) programs to address skills gaps and better prepare students for careers in an evolving arts industry. However, there is a dearth of research relating to EL in the arts. As a starting point, this research explores the supports and barriers that contribute to student participation in extracurricular EL programs. This mixed methods study employed interviews and a focus group with nine students at a Mid-Atlantic performing arts conservatory, accompanied by a brief demographic survey. The findings revealed a complex web of supports and barriers impacting students’ awareness of, participation in, and applications to EL programs, including individual, social, programmatic, and systemic factors. The framework of this small-scale study may serve as a model and starting place for other institutions to understand their own unique audiences and settings moving forward.


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How to Cite

Manceor, C. M. (2024). Supports and Barriers to Experiential Learning Participation in Arts Higher Education. Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice, 9(2), 21–30.



Research Articles from Dissertations in Practice