A Systematic Comparative Analysis of Doctor of Education (EdD) Programs

Unraveling Inconsistencies and Informing Student Choices





Doctor of Education (EdD), Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Education, qualitative comparative analysis (QCA), Foucault’s Theory of Power, Adam’s Equity Theory


Prospective doctoral students face a daunting challenge choosing between Doctor of Education (EdD) programs and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Education due to programmatic ambiguity, inconsistency, and ill-defined career alignment (Carpenter, 1987; Perry, 2012; Shafer & Giblin, 2008). This qualitative study employed comparative analysis to explore the distinctions between 50 US EdD programs, including completion time, modality, credits, qualifying exam (QE) inclusion and requirements, and dissertation requirements. The theoretical framework used to investigate the root causes and potential outcomes of the EdD and PhD inconsistency included Foucault’s Power Theory (Aguirre Rojas, 2021) and Adam’s Equity Theory (Adams, 1963, 1965). Findings revealed significant differences between EdD programs and between EdD and PhD programmatic features. This data provides valuable insight for prospective students, informs EdD improvement, and urges consistency or standardization for clarity, integrity, and advancement in the field (Fisher et al., 2020; McMahon et al., 2020; Schafer & Giblin, 2008).


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How to Cite

Reyes, C., & Zhang, J. (2024). A Systematic Comparative Analysis of Doctor of Education (EdD) Programs: Unraveling Inconsistencies and Informing Student Choices. Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice, 9(2), 42–50. https://doi.org/10.5195/ie.2024.408