Reframing the Problem of Practice: Transitions in Baylor University’s Ed.D. in Learning and Organizational Change Program




Dissertation in Practice, Problem of Practice, Education Doctorate, Organizational Change, Professional Doctorate


This article reports on the program changes that emerged from the Baylor University Ed.D. in Learning and Organizational Change program development team as we engaged as a community of practice in the organizational change process to reframe our conceptualization of the Problem of Practice dissertation. This process led to logical implications for the program course offerings and student support systems. The following article, therefore, traces these changes as they emanate out from the Problem of Practice dissertation reconfiguration, into the course sequence, and finally the student support systems. This article concludes by offering the perspective gained about this work as we engaged in the same organizational change process through which we guide our students.

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Author Biography

Nicholas R. Werse, Baylor University

Serving in Baylor University's online EdD in Learning and Organizational Change Program, Nicholas R. Werse combines his love for writing with a passion for student development through directing the EdD Writing Center. This departmental writing center is exclusively devoted to supporting online professional doctoral students. Dr. Werse is both an instructor anda practitioner of the craft of writing, having published broadly on Jewish and Christian literary traditions, biblical interpretation, and higher education.


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How to Cite

Blevins, B. E., Cooper, S., Crocker Papadakis, L. K., Earl, J., Howell, L., Lively, C., Meehan, J., Murray, E. A., Pratt, S., Sanguras, L., Talbert, S., Talbert, T. L., & Werse, N. R. (2022). Reframing the Problem of Practice: Transitions in Baylor University’s Ed.D. in Learning and Organizational Change Program. Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice, 7(1), 32–41.