Casting a Wider Net

Incorporating Black Feminist Theory to Support EdD Students’ Epistemological Stance Development in Research Methods Courses




Black Feminist Theory, Epistemology, Research Methods


This article ponders the question: “How might EdD research methods courses be reimagined to position Black Feminist Theory as a comparable theoretical framework to guide epistemological stance development and scholar-practitioner inquiry?” By introducing Black Feminist Theory as a viable theoretical framework, this article posits its potential incorporation into reimagined EdD research methods courses.  After providing a more detailed description of Black Feminist Theory and its associated constructs, the ways that Black Feminist Theory can shape scholar-practitioners’ inquiry is explored, including: 1) framing a problem of practice, 2) building conceptual and/or theoretical frameworks, and 3) connecting to research design and approaches. Implications for Black Feminist Theory’s alignment to the CPED framework are discussed.

Author Biographies

Stephanie Smith Budhai, Drexel University

Associate Clinical Professor
School of Education
Drexel University

Kristine Lewis Grant , Drexel University

Clinical Professor
School of Education
Drexel University


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How to Cite

Budhai, S. S., & Grant , K. (2023). Casting a Wider Net: Incorporating Black Feminist Theory to Support EdD Students’ Epistemological Stance Development in Research Methods Courses. Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice, 8(3), 10–14.



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