Part One of the Themed Issue on Reimagining Research Methods Coursework for the Preparation of Scholar-Practitioners




CPED, education doctorate, research methodology, research methodology coursework


Ongoing efforts to distinguish the EdD from the PhD as a professional practice doctorate have important implications for how research methodology courses are designed, sequenced, and taught in CPED-inspired EdD programs. Currently, there is much debate and little consensus as to what the purpose and outcomes of these courses should be and how the courses might differ from traditional doctoral-level methods preparation. In this first installment of the themed issue on redesigning research methods for CPED-inspired EdD programs, EdD faculty and students share their current redesign work and experiences implementing revised methodology courses as part of larger, practitioner-oriented program revisions.

Author Biography

Sarah Capello, Radford University

Assistant Professor

School of Teacher Education and Leadership



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How to Cite

Capello, S., Yurkofsky, M., & Nii Bonney, E. (2023). Part One of the Themed Issue on Reimagining Research Methods Coursework for the Preparation of Scholar-Practitioners. Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice, 8(2), 1–3.



Themed-Reimagining Research Methods Coursework for the Preparation of Scholar-Practitioners