If Ferris Bueller Had a Bot

AI Meeting Assistant Policy Landscape of CPED Member Institutions





AI, AI meeting assistants, AI policy, higher education, higher education policy


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has seen a significant rise in public use since the release of ChatGPT in November of 2022. Higher education institutions (HEI) have struggled to negotiate how best to manage AI technologies within their academic communities, acknowledging both positive and negative impacts of AI on education. Focused primarily on large language model (LLM) technologies, such as ChatGPT, HEIs are working to build policies and guidelines to regulate their use. However, within these policies, few HEIs have considered AI meeting assistants, even though these applications bring their own set of benefits and risks. This article examines the public websites of 135 CPED universities, eight of which mention AI meeting assistants in their policies. The article analyzes the risks, benefits, and use guidance provided by these policies and suggests next steps for HEIs to address the ethical, legal, and pedagogical implications of AI meeting assistants.


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How to Cite

Azevedo, P. C. R., & Valadez, C. B. (2025). If Ferris Bueller Had a Bot: AI Meeting Assistant Policy Landscape of CPED Member Institutions . Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice, 10(1), 80–89. https://doi.org/10.5195/ie.2025.471



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