Unlocking the Future

How are EdD Faculty Using Generative AI in Doctoral Research





Artificial Intelligence (AI), generative AI, doctoral research, faculty perceptions, mixed methods research, survey research


This convergent mixed methods research study investigated how a small, non-representative sample of Educational Doctorate (EdD) faculty perceive and use generative AI and how they have leveraged the technology to support EdD students. A cross-sectional survey was used to gather data from 27 EdD faculty members to assess their generative AI perceptions and use as of April 2024. Findings revealed widespread generative AI use among participants, with 89% utilizing the technology for a variety of tasks related to supporting EdD students, including brainstorming, lesson planning, building students’ generative AI knowledge, and supporting dissertation research and writing. Generative AI use did not differ significantly based on demographic or background factors, but perceptions varied between users and nonusers, with users holding much more favorable attitudes about the technology. Both groups perceived it to pose a relatively low threat to their career, but nonusers perceived an even lower threat. This study illustrates diverse generative AI use among participants, underscores the need for ongoing exploration into how perceptions about generative AI shape faculty’s adoption and use of the technology, and calls for future research into generative AI integration and its impact on faculty and student learning and satisfaction. 


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How to Cite

Black, E., & Betts, K. (2025). Unlocking the Future: How are EdD Faculty Using Generative AI in Doctoral Research . Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice, 10(1), 49–56. https://doi.org/10.5195/ie.2025.475



Themed-The Role of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Doctoral Research and Writing