The Education Doctorate in the Context of Generative Artificial Intelligence

Epistemic Shifts and Challenges to Practical Wisdom




AI Integration, AI, generative AI, genAI, education doctorate, EdD, curricula, learning, teaching, knowledge epistemologies, technology, practical wisdom


The emergence of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) fundamentally shifts how educational knowledge is created, shared, and validated. Through the lens of epistemic technologies—tools that transform knowledge creation and dissemination—we analyze how GenAI challenges traditional notions of practical wisdom in education doctorate (EdD) programs. Drawing on parallels with previous epistemic shifts like written language, print, and digital media, we explore how GenAI, as a generative, dialogic, multimodal, and sometimes unpredictable technology, transforms practitioner knowledge and decision-making. We discuss implications for EdD programs, emphasizing the need to balance AI integration with the preservation of human judgment and ethical decision-making to maintain practical wisdom for scholarly practice.


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How to Cite

Henriksen, D., Mishra, P., Woo, L., & Oster, N. (2025). The Education Doctorate in the Context of Generative Artificial Intelligence: Epistemic Shifts and Challenges to Practical Wisdom. Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice, 10(1), 73–79.



Themed-The Role of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Doctoral Research and Writing