An Emerging Framework for the EdD Activist


  • Yasha J. Becton University of South Carolina
  • Christopher Bogiages University of South Carolina
  • Leigh D'Amico University of South Carolina
  • Todd Lilly University of South Carolina
  • Elizabeth Currin University of South Carolina
  • Rhonda Jeffries University of South Carolina
  • Suha Tamim University of South Carolina



activism, graduate students, social justice


Increasingly, Ed.D. programs are challenged to produce graduates with the skills and expertise needed to create and foster change in the various educational environments in which they serve. Promoting, and more importantly, preparing the Ed.D. Activist is a theme that was addressed during the October 2019 convening of the Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate (CPED) hosted by the University of South Carolina. As part of the opening convening, the U of SC faculty assisted with surveying the more than 65 CPED-informed programs in an effort to construct a potential framework to guide both new and existing programs within the consortium. The resulting framework highlights two potential profiles for the Ed.D. Activist, 12 considerations that programs should examine, four primary outcomes, and five quality indicators. The framework is representative of the data collected from more than 200 participants and provides a broad, but foundational framework for engaging more deeply in the work of promoting activism amongst Ed.D. graduates.


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How to Cite

Becton, Y. J., Bogiages, C., D’Amico, L., Lilly, T., Currin, E., Jeffries, R., & Tamim, S. (2020). An Emerging Framework for the EdD Activist. Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice, 5(2), 43–54.

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